Friday, April 18, 2014

Thanks For The Memories

Today marks my last day at T3 Communications/ITVantage.  I have mixed emotions about all of this.  If I could describe how I feel in one word, it would be “bittersweet.”

After graduating with my master’s degree, I spent months looking for a job, and eventually I was hired as the marketing coordinator for T3 and ITVantage.  The job came with a lot of difficulties and struggles, and at times I just wanted to quit.  There were days where I thought “I can’t take this anymore.”  But at the end of the day, it all made me a better marketing professional. 

I was forced to step outside of my comfort zone to learn all about telecommunications and IT (two fields I knew nothing about).  I was tasked with projects that most entry-level coordinators would never see, like writing content for an entire website.  But I did it all.  I pushed myself to learn new skills and to implement those skills on the job.  I wasn’t perfect, and I certainly made my fair share of mistakes, but I never gave up.

I’m so grateful for the opportunities I’ve been given at T3 and ITVantage, and I’m so thankful that my boss took a chance when he hired me.  I can only hope that I didn’t let them down, and that my work mattered.  I want nothing more than to see them succeed (and to be ranked #1 on Google).

I’m excited for this next chapter of my life, but it’s bittersweet leaving my first job behind.  Thanks for the memories, T3 and ITVantage.  You’ll be missed.

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