Tuesday, April 12, 2011

FGCU Takes the Walk

If you were on campus last Tuesday, April 5th, I'm sure you saw hundreds of students walking barefoot all over campus.  And I'm sure many of you were thinking, "why?" 

Here's why: Tuesday April 5th was TOMS Shoes' One Day Without Shoes event where people went barefoot for one day in order to raise awareness for those who don't have the choice whether they want to wear shoes or not.

The FGCU TOMS Campus Club and Rotaract had planned to host "FGCU Takes the Walk" where students would take a walk around campus with no shoes.  Unfortunately due to the severe weather, they had to cancel the walk.

Good news Eagles: they're bringing it back.

Today, April 12th, students will have the opportunity to take the walk yet again.  But this time it's bigger and better.  Registration for the walk begins at 2pm and the walk begins at 2:30.  And of course, S-Jayy will be back to perform again starting at 12:30.

So come out to the library lawn and take the one-mile barefoot walk to take action against extreme poverty in Soweto, South Africa.

I'll be there. Will you?

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